Progress & Timeline - Astoria Nordic Heritage Park
Spring 2015 - The Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival Association formed a committee to develop plans for 50th Anniversary of the festival in 2017. Carole Lyngstad formally brought up the idea of building an immigrant monument, an idea that many people had been talking about for years.
Summer 2015 - The Festival Anniversary committee held discussions concerning applying to the Oregon Community Foundation for grant funds to explore interest in a Scandinavian monument.
October 2015 - OCF awarded $2,500 to ASHA for Phase One of the “From Scandinavia to Astoria” Immigrant Monument.
Fall 2015 - A monument executive committee formed: Loran Mathews, Project Director; Leila Collier, Midsummer Festival Chair; Carole Lyngstad, Treasurer; Janet Bowler, Grant Writer.
Fall 2015 - Mathews and Lyngstad discussed possible sites for the monument with the City of Astoria Parks and Recreation Department.
January 2016 - The monument committee decided to expand to include representatives from Scandinavian Lodges.
February 2016 - The expanded committee met to review monument priorities and chose three top sites from seven suggested by City of Astoria.
March 2016 - The committee selected graphic artist Roger McKay of Astoria to draft three artistic renditions of the preliminary design.
May 2016 - The committee reviewed the preliminary sketches of the design proposal.
June 2016 - The executive committee met with the City of Astoria Parks and Recreation Board and gained their approval to take the Scandinavian Park proposal to the Astoria City Council.
August 2016 - Loran Mathews and Judi Lampi presented the Scandinavian Immigrant Park proposal to the Astoria City Council. Councilor Zetty Nemlowill made a motion seconded by Councilor Russ Warr for the City of Astoria Park and Rec Department to make an agreement with ASHA that both groups can live with so that this civic project could move forward.
November 2016 - The Monument Committee met with City officials to draft a proposed agreement to take to City Council.
January 2017 - ASHA and the City of Astoria Parks and Rec Department reached tentative agreement on a Memo of Understanding for care of the park after it is built. The City Attorney reviewed the MOU before ASHA could take it to the Astoria City Council for approval.
June 2017 - Judi Lampi became chairman of the Heritage Park Committee with Janet Bowler as vice-chair. Signatures were collected in support of the proposed enhancements to the former People's Park site.
July 17, 2017 - Judi Lampi spoke at the Astoria City Council meeting to request that the City move forward with park plans.
August 2017 - Committee members marched in the Regatta Parade to distribute informational flyers to gain community support for the heritage park.
September & October 2017: Rotary Club voted to maintain the future Scandinavian Heritage Park as a service project. Executive committee members and a representative from the Rotary Club met with Astoria Parks and Rec administrators and City Manager Brett Estes to formalize an agreement for the park. The final agreement will need City Council approval.
December 18, 2017 - The Astoria City Council approved the final version of an agreement for Scandinavian Heritage Park.
January 4, 2018 - The Astoria Scandinavian Heritage Association signed the agreement and began a search for a landscape architect and plans for fund raising.
January 2018 - The website domain was renamed www.astoriascanpark.org.
February 2018 - Former City planner Rosemary Johnson was hired as consultant.
March 2018 - The park committee interviewed four architect candidates. The fundraising subcommittee began meeting.
April 2018 - A RFP was published with a due date of May 10, 2018. All relevant documents were posted on the "design proposal" link.
June 2018 - The West Studio of Seattle and their partner Herrera Environmental of Sherwood, Oregon were selected as landscape architects and engineers for the park project.
June 2018 - Fundraising topped $150,000 and continued with a tentative goal of $900,000.
June 2018 - The Oregon Cultural Trust awarded ASHA an organizational grant to hire a consultant to conduct fundraising training.
August 2018 - ASHA, the West Studio, and Herrera Environmental met with the City of Astoria Development Commission to make initial contact regarding the park project.
August 2018 - The West Studio and Herrera Environmental met with ASHA and Stakeholders from the Scandinavian Lodges to discuss the initial design concept.
August 2018 - A contract was signed between ASHA and the West Studio.
September 2018 - ASHA , the West Studio and Herrera Environmental host an Open House presented two possible designs for Astoria Scandinavian Heritage Park to an audience of 38 City officials and Scandinavian community members.
September 2018 - Committee members hosted an all-day fundraising workshop funded by a grant from the Oregon Cultural Trust.
October 2018 - Local artist Roger McKay was commissioned to create a logo for the park.
November/December 2018 - The preliminary park design was approved by the Historic Landmarks Commission, the City of Astoria Parks and Rec, and the Astoria City Council.
February 2019 - The engineering schematics for the park were presented to the Astoria City Council for approval.
March 2019 - The engineering plans for the park were completed.
March 2019 - A successful benefit sold-out dinner was held at Carruthers Restaurant resulting in $47,000 in new donations for the park.
April 2019 - Astoria Scandinavian Heritage Association Board of Directors voted unanimously to rename the park "Astoria Nordic Heritage Park."
June 2019 - The halfway mark to raising $1 million was achieved. Construction will start as soon as the remaining funding is secured.
Summer 2019 - The park committee negotiated to hire an owner's representative.
September 2019 - ANHP accepted donation of a 12 x 4 x 1 slab of polished granite from Stephen Dean of Pasco, WA. This stone will be the main entry sign for the park.
Fall 2019 - ASHA interviewed, selected, and negotiated a contract with Urban Resources, Inc. of Portland, Oregon, an owner's representative to guide the group through the construction phase of the project.
January 2020 - Larry Atkinson of Urban Resources, Inc. started as owner's representative to advise ASHA during the hiring process for a general contractor.
March 2020 - OM Stone Granite of Hillsboro was contracted to order granite from China and process it into its final form.
May 2020 - Rickenbach Contruction, Inc. of Astoria was selected as general contractor for the park project. The selection process included public announcement of the RFP, committee scoring, and interviews. Rickenbach had the best price, is local, and will hire local subcontractors when possible. Owners are of Swedish ancestry.
Summer/Fall 2020 - Procurement of park parts began prior to construction. The corona virus crisis impacted fundraising and grant opportunities but park plans continue to move forward.
January 2021 - Fundraising hit the $1 Million mark!
February 2021 - The first of six trolls for the park was produced. Text writing for the interpretive panels is in progress.
March 2021 - An advisory meeting was held with the top 55 investors to gather information about potential new donors. Final text for interpretive panels was improved.
April 2021 - Donations and pledges total $1.2 million. The final donation goal is in sight.
May 1, 2021 - The first of six concrete trolls to be hidden in the park was delivered to go on display at FinnWare.
May 2021 - A 23% increase in cost of materials added $147,000 to the fundraising goal.
June 2021 - Large donations from Tony and Shelly Tack of Sweet Home, Oregon, and the Cannery Pier Hotel & Spa help ASHA to achieve its goal of raising $1.5 million. ASHA told the contractor to schedule construction!
August 19, 2021 - A festive ground breaking ceremony was held with 50 people in the audience.
September 7, 2021 - Start of construction with a time line of 4-6 months to completion.
October 2021 - Excavation.
November 2021 - Foundation poured for ramp and stairs.
December 2021 - Ramp walls poured.
January 2022 - Electrical conduits were set in place. The meditative path is graveled and compacted. The final concrete pouring will take place once storm drain materials have arrived and are set in place.
January 2022 - ANHP chairs Judi Lampi and Janet Bowler were awarded the George Award by the Astoria Warrenton Chamber of Commerce for their volunteerism with Astoria Nordic Heritage Park.
March 2022 - ANHP committee members Judi Lampi, Janet Bowler, Warren Bechtolt, and Leila Collier were awarded Most Valuable Finn awards from Finlandia Foundation - Columbia Pacific Chapter.
April 2022 - Construction on ANHP resumes. Concrete for the Arrival Plaza is poured and the Gateway Arch arrives and is installed.
May 2022 - Concrete artworks of trunks and trolls are delivered and installed on the plaza and in the park. Stairs and ramps are poured and awaiting railing. Interpretive panels will arrive late in the month. Irrigation and landscaping is going in.
June 1, 2022 - Astoria Nordic Heritage Park construction is complete.
June 17, 2022 - A festive dedication of Astoria Nordic Heritage Park was held with approximately 500 in the audience. See photo gallery below for dedication photos.
June 28, 2022 - ANHP passed all City inspections for occupancy.
July 5, 2022- The Astoria City Council officially renamed the park Astoria Nordic Heritage Park.
September 9, 2022- The City of Astoria dedicated a Portland Loo adjacent to ANHP.
December 10, 2022 - Nordic Northwest named park committee co-chair Janet Bowler "Scandinavian of the Year" for her work communicating and promoting Nordic culture through social media, website, and newsletter.
January 26, 2023 - Representatives of ASHA, the City of Astoria Parks and Rec Department, contractor Rickenbach Construction, and sub-contractors Wadsworth Electric and 3D Landscaping met for a final walk-through of the park and delivery of owner's manuals with information on products, maintenance, and warranties.
June 10, 2023 - The first anniversary celebration of ANHP was held at 11 AM on Saturday, June 10.
December 15, 2023 - The first "Light in the Darkness" event was held in the park to honor the memory of those who have left us.